Friday, February 18, 2011

His and Hers Pizza Party

For the first time ever, J and I have participated in a culinary competition in my kitchen! We usually work together to make dinners... Or I make it while he drives home from the gym and showers... But the other night we competed. Each of us made our own pizzas and mine, of course, was tastiest!

We couldn't agree whose pizza was truly the best, so we resolved to put up a poll on here and see what my readers think. (Please remember you are my readers!)

Marinara Sauce with Sausage in it

Alfredo Sauce
Tapatio Hot Sauce
Artichoke Hearts

And now, it's up to you! 
(Leave a comment voting for one!) 

And on the side of our pizzas... The only thing uniting our plates was the always delicious caprese salad!

How sweet does that picture of us look in the background? In the midst of the battle it was the only thing sweet in the room!


Unknown said... Best Blogger Tips

I was sold on your pizza as soon as I read Alfredo Sauce! Yummy!!

Tiffany said... Best Blogger Tips

Sorry Am, love you, but His sounds better!!