it's been one year since i've been blogging (plus three days, yep i'm late!). good things blogs can't get mad at you the way that significant others can if you forget a major anniversary!
here are five things that i've learned over the last year of blogging:
1. posts i think are going to get lots of comments don't... people often end up loving what i'm not stoked to publish.
2. images make everything more enjoyable.
3. keeping it light hearted makes me feel more light hearted about life, plus it's easier to laugh than cry.
4. as much as i think about taking a break sometimes, i'm addicted!
5. my mama bird really is my biggest fan!
and my thankfulness today goes to the die-hard readers that keep coming back and checking out what i have to say. i know i'm young and have lots left to learn, but you all keep coming to see what mess i seem to have gotten myself into and the lessons that i'm learning day in and day out.
it's just like God said, "before i formed you in the womb i knew you, before you were born i set you apart." -jeremiah 1:5
i'm not just a kid, i'm a kid that God has big plans for... and you all were here when it started! so, from the bottom of my heart, thank you. and of course,
happy blogiversary to you too!
song of the day: marry me
by train
with all that's happening this year, it seems like a way to kick off year number 2 with my dearest little synchronicite. from minegar to mrs. is the theme of year two... who knows what amazing things will happen this year other than i'm getting married because i said yes, i will marry.
I think you skipped the fact that bubs is a loyal follower (stalker would even be acceptable) and has continually read every letter of your posts. as i said, stalker would be accepted.
Your blogs always put a smile on my face!
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