but, here is some news for you all! i'm starting my last full quarter of college and it's going to be a real doozy... i mean a real doozy. but i'm up for it and must rise to the challenge.
dearest God of mine,
please grant me strength and determination in this time of great work.
a humble and needy child named am
thank goodness He promises to give us strength in phillipians 4:13:
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
oh, and how He must be so strong for me in all of the weakness that i show.
in this time of trials and amazing work loads i promise to be faithful in my posts, though they may end up being shorter. i must remember, it's not quality, it's quantity. (yep, it's cliche, but i'm trying to make myself feel better).
i will be back, sooner and not later.
scout's honor.

(yep, this is a late night make-up free shot for you all... i really want to be more personable to you all!)
song of the day:
this i promise you
by: n*sync
yep, taking it old school! it's a little romantic for my intent, but what elementary school girl didn't love n*sync during the nineties?? i know i had what i believe was an undying devotion...
you are p-r-e-c-i-o-u-s! scouts honor!
We will miss you, but it will be worth it!!
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