house rules
by: jodi picoult
any book she writes is bound to have you addicted, but this one has a sense of humor about it… something she hasn’t tried before but it’s amazing! and you will be laughing out loud which is always refreshing when reading a book. (i always attribute a good lol to movies and tv!)

twenties girl
by: sophie kinsella
yes, she’s the confessions of a shopaholic girl. this one is honest and silly just like her others and i read in an english accent in my head because it’s very obvious she’s from england (through her use of mum and other silly little words) which adds another sense of charm to the book!
i am just so happy to be out of school and reading like crazy (at my own will!). it’s so fun to read books that don’t have a 100% in the educational value rating (evr). (no the evr is not real i just made it up!) happy summer readings to all and if you come upon one you love… please share!
song of the day:
chai tea latte
by: angel taylor
all of her music is soothing and so easy to have on in the background while reading… but also catchy enough to want to sing along to while you’re driving down the road!
and with all this gloomy weather what better reading buddy than a warm quilt and chai tea latter (yes, in the middle of summer!)
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