Friday, September 30, 2011

Oh Happy Day!

It's been so long my dear readers. Oh I do apologize. But speaking of "I do's", I am married and absolutely adore sharing my life with my new husband. I am blessed to say the least.

In the last two months, as I have taken a break from the blog I realized I was not missing writing, nor was my heart aching to put words out for others to read. J and I joined a bible study that we absolutely love and my thinking, pondering, God-loving heart has a restored fire within... Why is this important? It led me right back here to you.

Today marks a very special day in this world. Today my dear Popsicle celebrates his 59th year of life. What a true blessing it is to have him here with us, not only here, but alive, joyful, and so stinking funny. To think just two years ago a doctor predicted we would be celebrating his 57th and final birthday... Amen for God's glorious plan to keep him here with us!

As we have been working through Genesis at church, this last week's message was nothing new to me. Pastor Steve spoke of our refinement of our hearts and our faith through suffering. Growing up in church, I've heard it all before; but this week something different came of it. For the last three years I have watched my Popsicle suffer, physically, mentally, emotionally... I have watched his confident business man self shatter amongst the hard rocks of a disease not well known. His suffering, though heartbreaking, never held a lesson for me, until Wednesday night when we met with our small group for bible study.

My father's brokenness and his resulting humility has revealed a Christian man more devoted to his family and, more importantly, to his God greater than I've ever known. But his brokenness pales in comparison to the way Christ was shattered relationally and physically on His way to the cross. In watching the way my father has relearned to live, and is currently fighting to communicate, I realize Christ lost far beyond the suffering I witness day to day.

Christ experienced the deepest of brokenness, all the while knowing what faced him. My Popsicle had no clue a disease was ravaging his body and mind, and had he, I don't know that he would have faithfully allowed such a devastation happen. Yet Jesus grabbed his fate by the horns and lived the most God-pleasing, honorable life possible.

What a great day it is to share with my Popsicle! I am so grateful to God to know He has blessed us with another year with a wondrous man of Him, especially because I know full well, Popsicle's work here is not yet done.


The Good Tale said... Best Blogger Tips

A gift for you…Truth.
Satan has deceived the whole world Rev 12:9 until a woman delivers the true word to the world Rev 12:5, Rev 12:13 from the wilderness Rev 12:6. The true word now delivered John 1:1 turns the hearts of the fathers to the children of God Mal 4:6 proving by the word of God that not one child of God will be put in a hell fire no matter what their sins. It never entered the heart or mind of God to ever do such a thing Jer 7:31, Jer 19:5. Prove all things Prophecy is fulfilled.

Amber said... Best Blogger Tips

yay, you're finally married! :) will you be sharing pictures? Happy birthday to Popsicle! It's truly a blessing for him to be able to share this day with you, my friend!

Caley-Jade Rosenberg said... Best Blogger Tips

Such a heartwarming post!! So glad you are back (as a Mrs!) and I have tears in my eyes thinking of the special moments you have been so lucky to share with your Pops - and to be there on your wedding day too:)